Tuesday 12 January 2016

January 2016 update

Happy New Year! Here's a few bits of Weinberg-related news to keep you busy for the coming month.

These are upcoming events happening in the UK:

London, Wigmore Hall
12 February, 19:30

Gidon Kremer, Daniil Trifonov, Giedre Dirvanauskaite

As part of the Wigmore Hall's 'featured artist' series, Trifonov gives a selection of concerts, including this one which features regular collaborators from the Kremeratica Baltica. Gidon Kremer needs no introduction, of course, and the talents of Dirvanauskaite's cello playing were highlighted on their ECM Weinberg album, released in 2014.

Programme includes:

  • Fritz Kreisler (1875-1962)
  • Preghiera (arrangement of themes from the 2nd mvt of Rachmaninov Piano Concerto No. 2)
  • Mieczyslaw Weinberg (1919-1996)
  • Sonata No. 5 for violin and piano Op. 53
  • Sonata No. 3 for solo violin Op. 126
  • Sergey Rachmaninov (1873-1943)
  • Trio élégiaque No. 2 in D minor Op. 9

    Tickets and further details available here.